Intuition stock TXN

By JenRz
These intuition hits have been $, so I'm not gonna fight it.
I asked on Sunday & was delivered this one with the numbers $149 first (which was close to the Friday closing price). I do NOT look at a chart first as I aim to be completely neutral, and this stock isn't even on my watchlist, so I didn't know where it was trading.

Anyway, the following numbers were 163 and later 171 chimed in.
It just so happens earnings are tonight. I don't try to predict earnings anymore, but dowsing suggested a low to $140 and I'd assume buy it. Dowsing also gave a price of $161 today and Sunday gave $167. Suggestion it's "bottoming out" and will hit the targets, as they usually do.
Let's hope cuz now I am getting more confident with these!
Oh, it's possible the $140 level, if it hits, is in the after hours. Unfortunately, that's happened in the past and sucks if you're in options and can't do anything.
I checked on this and get it's bottoming out on the daily.
This is so boring, but it's cool 140ish held and it got up over $10 from there. I'm requesting the Universe please send me stocks that go to targets a bit more quickly. TY
The planets must've been in the perfect alignment for this one LOL. More please!
Beyond Technical Analysis
