Nov 14, 2022 8:48 AM

If you Could Read my Lines, the story my plots would tell 



sum of none. master with no grand and no ground.. i have put in my 10,000 hours, i heard that was enough to master a skill.. add as many zeroes as you want i still feel it's my first day with a keyboard... i wake up each day and think of something i need to learn and improve in myself. i'm scared most of the time, and i feel alone more than i knew i could. surviving this world i live in, where my life is impossible to understand, the coffers bare and not slept in a bed in over a year, parking lot to parking lot stealing power and free wifi coding 18 hours a day.. i don't know how i'm still here.

with charts, i find something i understand, can trust, when they speak to me.. indicators are more than simply what's in front of you, but what isn't obviously seen. sometimes we miss that there's more than just the standard tools rigidly picking us up and slamming us down..

by changing the way that we listen, we expand understanding.

my days charting have taught me to speak stronger
and how to listen to what isn't said
amidst noise, distortion, and aggressive volatility
in search of tender.


Bro i think you should make proposition to Tradingview designers team directly to introduce some 3D feel to the application itself, because i think your concept changes whole Tradingview work experience and takes this application 20 years ahead in the future by current standards.I really appreciate your work because after-all we all have eyes which interpret shades of RBG which in turn brings out our alertness and understanding of something which simple expression of numbers in terms of digits or data sets can't portray.
3 and 7 are beautiful. well done
@ryancarroll, Thankss.. i've been working on ome reall special stuff lately.. here's a teaser:
@kaigouthro Wow would love to see the final product!Keep up the good work!
What's happening - this is no longer showing up in indicator searches?
Your colors tend to be well defined, consistent across the plot... while using stepGradient and stepHue, changing parameters Hue Range, Hue Step, Gradient Step and Softener I've achieved some useful results, still not as smooth as yours yet... any advice or info on how to manipulate these params for similar hues?
@slowcoconut, trade secret. =) i promise those two tools and 2 color vars per fill (na col lines) is all i used.. hint: use the fill min/max to your advantage, controlling those and alpha makes a massive impact.
@kaigouthro, no worries... its incredibly helpful as is... and I've more or less a functional gradient... rather its the 'shiny-ness' of yours that made me wonder what initial color vars could produce such hues... but this is too fun for me... so leave it a mystery ill go on experimenting in my free time... thanks