Sep 2, 2019 10:44 AM


Cardano / US DollarBinance


Everything is in the chart right now.
Expecting some price movements before the end of the year

Trade active

still retesting the current blue support, patiently waiting the coming weeks/month


a lot of good news coming in a few weeks


next saterday the 28th sept. is Cardano's second anniversary


Already 20% up from the call


holding on the monthly for the now, hopefully we can go upwards from here with all the major updates coming in the next months. otherwise i'm looking at the purple daily support for a next entry

Trade active

Still in this trade..


testnet will be live with staking around the end of november, this is a concept of two snapshots from the mainnet to testnet where staking will take place with real rewards that are paid every epoch (around 5 days). Still very exiting times, staking should be live on mainnet Q4 this year, but i expect it will be delayed to januari/februari 2020


Correction, staking is planned on mainnet for Q1 this year, hopefully we will see Shelly soon live, exciting months to come with the BTC halving and upcoming releases of ADA. >Shelly (decentralized and staking) >Coinbase (price catalyst) > Goguen (Smart contract, expected this year to be released on mainnet)