Jan 6, 2022 6:59 PM

AMC There Is An Unfilled Gap At $3.50 We Think Will Fill  Short

AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc.NYSE


AMC there is an unfilled gap at approx $3.50 that never filled we think it will - Not Advice - Do your own DD - We are not short


For those of you AMC longs 99% are now underwater and come on here and post "This didn't age well" All our calls are long term and you need to have more than the patience of a gnat to follow us and remember it's not our fault that your trade on AMC is underwater. We'll see you at an eventual $3.50 and a great entry point at which time we will get long not before. Happy New Year


$3.50 will fill it's just a matter of time


here comes $15
I will sell my house and buy AMC
@alireza1357, Eyval :) He is short on everything. Well, all gaps will fill but he didn't give us a timeline... I can go wild and say BTC will hit 1 Million and/or BTC will be $10, one of these possibilities will happen if we live long enough to see it. At $3 AMC is a FREAKIN STEAL! I will sell my house and car and my underwear and buy AMC with 10X leverage.
@embedonix, The publisher sold leap puts on AMC at $2 on record while you "sell house, car, blah blah" lot were fast asleep. Ok sleep tight.
@dRends35, I know his history. He is a trader, we are fighters. No hard feelings. Sometimes it is not just about money
Didn’t age well
@dii3vru89f, Thank you for your comment but it was posted two hours ago come back in a few months and see where it is. Have a nice day
@dii3vru89f, Hows it aging now?
It didn’t hit the single digits 🤪
@dii3vru89f, let me guess youve been long from $70
@dii3vru89f, was your stop level in the single digits? I don't understand why the retail APES are still holding. There is no award, no badge of honor handed out for losing 90% of your investment. In fact, Aron even has protected himself at this point by selling millions in AMC stock to ensure he's protected. I really feel bad for retail AMC fanatics. They keep waking up hoping the nightmare ends and the short-squeeze fairy tale (Round 3) comes true -- and it just gets worse. Best wishes (seriously) to AMC holders.