Nov 29, 2022 1:37 AM

BASF N ( bearish scenario: Short



The technical figure Triangle can be found in the daily chart of the German company BASF SE ( BASF SE is a German multinational chemical company and the largest chemical producer in the world. The BASF Group comprises subsidiaries and joint ventures in more than 80 countries and operates six integrated production sites and 390 other production sites in Europe, Asia, Australia, the Americas and Africa. BASF has customers in over 190 countries and supplies products to a wide variety of industries. The Triangle broke through the support line on 29/11/2022. If the price holds below this level, you can have a possible bearish price movement with a forecast for the next 6 days towards 46.36 EUR. Your stop-loss order, according to experts, should be placed at 49.96 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

German chemicals giant BASF said it would downsize permanently in Europe, kindling concerns that persistently high energy prices could lead to a deindustrialization of the continent.

The company will slash costs in Europe by 500 million euros, or $501 million, annually up to 2024, focusing on cost savings in non-production units in its operating, service and R&D divisions as well as in its corporate headquarters.

The company said that in the first nine months this year, gas costs at its European sites were about €2.2 billion higher than a year earlier.

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