Jan 18, 2018 4:29 PM

Buy BCC Now!!! 


Stop selling BCC. The people behind BCC gave the community an incredible gift. They gave 10’s of thousands (maybe millions) of people an incredible amount of income for 2 years and now they have left behind the best gift of all. They left us a coin that has a strong performance history with a small and limited supply. Think about that for just a minute. They left the community this coin to buy, sell and trade. They left something behind that governments and regulators can’t stop of shutdown. They paid out all account holders the full amount of their total money invested, in BCC coins and now it’s up to us to continue the fight. As I write this there is a concerted effort by many governments around the world to crush the crypto market. Why? Because it scares them to death and it threatens to upset the balance of power worldwide. They are spreading fear and using threats to try and quell this uprising of mankind! If you are involved in crypto just to make money then you are extremely narrow sighted because remember this is a revolution! This is the beginning of the end for the good old boy system that has oppressed us for millennia. This is FREEDOM!!! I’m not in love with BCC coin but I have great respect for the thought that went into this approach. We as a community now control BCC and we can make it whatever we want. If the majority of traders decide to hold BCC then we can drive the bus straight past all other coins! If you refuse to sell and start to hold and buy on dips this coin can overthrow BTC. Viva La Crypto !m!
it's going the same way you thought Bro
I really like this Analysis
i am in :)
and i hope it will moon soon
Thanks for this Analysis
if it moon
i will leave you 10% from the profits as a tip :) <3
@DJANAS1ST, Thanks Brother for the kind words. Nothing in life is 100% and this is totally in the hands of us (the traders, the rebels, the gorillas) so if the community makes BCC a shit coin then shame on them because BCC has unlimited possibility. If you think about the number of BCC coins that will be lost and forgotten about during this mess then its like a great coin burn. The upside on this coin is limitless. I will be extremely disappointed in the community if they let this coin fail. Many traders are complaining that Bitconnect was a ponzi and stole all the money but the key fact that people are missing is the fact that we as a community are now in control of BCC. We the community can make things right for so many people if we just do it. If we will just trade BCC and build the price back up then so many lives will be changed for the better by our actions. Thanks for your offer to give a 10% tip it is much appreciated but if you really want to help then please help by spreading the word about BCC and encourage others to re-enter the market and help make peoples lives better again. Tell others through every social outlet that is available and help to get the community to support this cause. Make Satoshi Nakamoto proud of what he helped to create and show the world that even when bad things happen we will we will flourish and that we are in control no the powers that be!!!

Viva La Crypto! \m/
what happens ? it's removed from Hitbtc
@DJANAS1ST, Scam exited.
Man I like your spirit, am holding my BBC. We should hold and push BCC forward with solidarity.
@cryptorain, Thanks for the support it means a lot. I'm not saying that Bitconnect was or was not a scam...all I'm saying is that as a community (crypto) we as a whole talk a lot of shit about the establishment and how they fuck over regular people on a daily basis. They never make things right for the people who get screwed. Take the crash of '08 for instance. Who did they bailout? Wall Street and big banks. The same assholes who created the crash and stole everyone's money. They had the power to help regular people but chose to roll around in big piles of money while they kicked people out of their houses and bankrupted countless families around the world. We are different! Because we have the power to self regulate our community and help fix things when they break. In my opinion as a community if we do nothing then we are no better than the faceless cockbags who we seek to overthrow. If we do nothing then we should just sit quietly and chew each other to bits because hypocrisy is truly shameful! With the current assault against crypto please help spread the word so we can show the puppet master that we now have scissors and its just a matter of time! !!!Viva LA Crypto!!!