
Bitget token ( BGB)

Bgb usdt Daily analysis
Time frame 4hours
BgB is bitget exchange token
OT has unbelievable growth before yesterday

7days 81%
30days 366%
90 days 623%
YTD 1164%
Today, this growth stopped ✋️ and fell down 10%
I think we have two price to enter 7.3$ and 6$
But here is a problem
If you want to buy this token , only bitget , bitfinix and mexc exchanges are seller , not famous exchanges like Binance and kraken and...
This problem when you want to trade bgb will be a big problem.
So you have to be careful.👌👌
bgb makes strong support area on 5$ and my first target is 6.5$ and LS 4.7$
strong support area on 5$
