Dec 18, 2022 6:04 PM

Bitcoin price of $330,000 by end of 2025 scenario 2 Long

Bitcoin Liquid IndexBrave New Coin


Using the BLX chart on the 2 days to show Bitcoin as a scenario 2 possibility for Bitcoin reaching this 330k value by April instead of the end of year 2025. there are certain parameters used to make this assertion. On the first bear market of 2014 from the bottom to the next higher low was about 220 days and then the bull started for the next cycle. The next was in the 2018 Bear where we had the first low at $3200 and then the next higher low at $3900 which represents about 454 days before the next bull cycle kicked in where Bitcoin hit a high of 69K in 2021. If we take this double increase difference and add it to this next cycle we will see a possible 800 days from the first low to the next higher low and we get our possible April date for the Bitcoin peak in 2025. I am using a fractal plus the Beambands as an indicator for this possible target price which coincides at top of beamband in 2025.
Wow amazing job, thanks for sharing!!!
@SwallowPremium thank you
Nice Analysis. I have 250 by April 2025 or 370 by December. Check it out
@WeAreSat0shi I saw the chart. Yeah, could be as I sometimes think 207k may also be a high peak in 2025.
@altcoinb, I agree too, However that is assuming it reaches the yellow resistance line like previously in in 2017 and repeats history. I want and hope it does but there are signs that it might not or just take longer for the break out move. Anything above 200k by 2025 is good move imo.
@WeAreSat0shi, You are correct, the head and shoulders would have to break the support in order for it to become valid. If you listen to Garreth Soloway (an incredible TA source) you will see that there is a very strong possibility for the BTC price to head lower. There are other TA analysts that are well versed in the crypto space as well.