Mar 1, 2019 10:03 AM

The only analysis you need Long

Binance Coin / BitcoinBinance


The name of the game.

1. Buy the dump.
2. Hold till new token sale.
3. Sell right before the token sale.
4. Repeat
Nicely spotted for these two events, but if you extend your analysis back further in time (say 6-12 months), so you still see the same sort of cross correlation between token sales and bob retracements?
@tilanthi2, Sorry - I didn't check - this should have said "Nicely spotted for these two events, but if you extend your analysis back further in time (say 6-12 months), do you still see the same sort of cross correlation between token sales and BNB retracements?"
@tilanthi2, No, but why would that matter now?
@niitii, To see whether this has wider use as an indicator signal, or whether it is just related to these two events, and the same behaviour is not present around the time of other similar token sales !
@tilanthi2, Right... The only other time tokens were launched on the Binance Launchpad was over a year ago, in December 2017. It was two different markets, you can only participate with BNB now (AFAIK), whereas you could also use ETH back then. There is also crazy fomo, and have you seen how many people don't get in? Out of 20.000, only 3000 got in. etc, etc. So you can't really compare.