Jan 25, 2023 8:54 AM

Is there more to Bitcoin Dominance than meets the eye  

Market Cap BTC Dominance, %CRYPTOCAP


I am trying to analyse the BTC dominance chart (with stablecoins) to see if there is any patterns we can notice from previous bull or bear markets.

The idea is this Is there a pattern to the % of bitcoin dominance at the bull cycle high to one at the low?

We understand that every year multiple shitcoins come to life. This increases the entire market cap without audit.
We understand that the bear markets decimate these shitcoin projects and liquidity flows back into BTC
We also understand that every bear market creates diamond hands.

What story can we weave from these charts?
I am going to buy long-term at what price is suitable?
@alafzi, Alafzi in 2 years will thank you for buying now at these levels! $22000 is always a buy