Jul 13, 2022 11:16 PM

BTCUSD cringe log chart 

Bitcoin all time history indexINDEX


The idea that something which never happened can't happen is a silly one

On high timeframe BTC goes up from inception
"So it's just gonna go up from here and never look back. Why ? because it never does."
That is so silly
- it also never tested a previous cycle top until last month
- never closed below the 200 weekly or whatever until last month

Pattern breaks
While I do think the low 10k is a good buy, I don't understand why it couldn't oscillate around these price for years, or decades, lose this range and never go back or pump the million ? Why not?

"goofy prediction dude"

Same was said to the one targeting 30 when we were above 60
Hi, well done on posting your first chart. We hope you had fun during the experience. Hope the trade goes well for you.

From mod @zAngus