Jun 17, 2021 2:52 PM

Taproot upgrade: 1st major upgrade in 4 years for BTC| what now? Education

Bitcoin / U.S. dollarBitstamp


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Quick glance: In our last tutorial, we discussed the use of MACD in different time frames in crypto-trading. In this tutorial, we will discuss the Taproot upgrade: the first major upgrade for BTC in 4 years!

Let us delve deeper into the Taproot upgrade and why it was so badly needed!
The Taproot upgrade for BTC would allow smart contracts to be run efficiently and cheaply! As of now, smart contracts are usually run on the Ethereum network because of the higher efficiency. However, with the Taproot upgrade, Bitcoin has the potential to elevate itself and integrate with mainstream finance.

Taproot upgrade for Bitcoin would allow smart contracts to take up lesser space on the network. Technologically speaking the Bitcoin network currently uses the 'Elliptic Curve Digital Signature algorithm.,' which occupies more space. It will be switched over to the 'Schnorr signatures' that will make the simpler transactions potentially indistinguishable from complex transactions. It translates into greater anonymity in the network while maintaining transparency.

Apart from the efficiency aspect, the ability to run smart contracts cheaper is what will be revolutionary. Currently, running smart contracts on Bitcoin's core protocol layer is not exactly feasible. It is quite expensive and time-consuming, thereby rendering it almost useless. Many experts suggest that smart contracts would be one of the key selling points for Taproot. To put things into perspective, smart contracts can be used for almost any trivial financial transaction such as paying utility bills to pay rent, among others.

The impact on the investors would likely be huge. Any long-term investor knows that the true potential of their asset would come from practical use cases that are adopted by the masses. Bitcoin's taproot upgrade might just be the key element that would propel it into mainstream finance. The bottom line is the kind of revolution that the Taproot upgrade might bring for Bitcoin is phenomenal.

Great post! Keep it up!
@Nico.Muselle, thanks man. it indeed motivates us to come with more such analyses. glad to be able to contribute to the community :)
This post deserves to be in the editor's picks. Keep it up man :)
@civilKitten60243, thanks a lot brother :)
@civilKitten60243, agreed. This is a slick post
@Fitch263, thanks man :) always a joy to be able to add value to the community
This has been featured in Editors' Picks! Thanks for sharing and informing people about Taproot!
@TradingView, thanks a lot team Tradingview :)
In 2017 BTC was the market. in 2021 it is years behind competitors. Smart contracts don't appear overnight, they take years to build, scale, develop the relationships, standards, etc. Only maxis think this will drive another bull run, I see no enthusiasm about this from the larger market. BTC missed its chance to be first mover for smart contract platforms.. its only advantage now, in my opinion, is to continue developing into a store of value and reserve currency for the market, but given the rampant manipulation, speculation and subsequent volatility that results, its failing at that too.
@misterbumble, yes that is indeed a very logical deduction. In fact I very well believe that once it gets implemented on November 2021, we might not see a huge rise post that. I see the huge rise happening much before that. You know why: SPECULATION! that's it.

Buy on rumour, sell on news is what I go with now!