Feb 21, 2020 8:38 PM

Imagine not buying here...  Long

Bitcoin / DollarBitfinex



This is a a long projection of what could be. Imagine... just imagine not buying in when it was this cheap.

We are at 10k price now, but looking at the past and TAing the future we can clearly see that this is not at all far fetched or unrealistic.

10k for 1btc with 15x ROI makes potentially 150k. Leap of faith?

Time will tell. This chart will be something to come back to one or few years from now and just reflect.


Prospecting is never wrong.
Agree overall. Though right now the question is whether we are in subwave 2 of your wave (3) now in play in your chart.
And if we zoom in to the present, it means a retracement to 8k-ish, reason why I'm currently short.
I'll be more than happy to jump on the bull train once I think current retrace is done ;-)
@klonaway, indeed there is a high probability for 8k price. Averaging in is best option imo.