BuzzFeed, Inc.

8/12/24 - $bzfd - i'm short this print at $2.22

8/12/24 :: VROCKSTAR :: BZFD
i'm short this print at $2.22

- P's obviously, bc i know who i'm facing off against and this thing could easily double in my face. so limiting my downside here. weapon of choice is the 9/20 2P's.

- as written about in my prior post, this thing is basically a failed media company. just because vivek got in at sub $1 (and disclosed it to you plebs near $2) doesn't mean it's worth anything close to where it's trading.

- i admit, i have no edge on the actual EPS beyond the fact that the stock has been weak, of all the memes, this is possibly the lowest quality one. and again the google trends look beyond abysmal still. abyss. abysmal. get it?

- anyway. if you own it. gl to you. in these markets who knows. sometimes a bad result gets rewarded and vice versa.

- admittedly, tis just a small hedge to my otherwise long book (though i'm close to 40% cash overall again).

lmk if you see it otherwise. happy to discuss. but emotional stuff... doesn't help anyone, best to keep the flames to your own PnL.

gl to all

congrats to the longs, missed revenue by 50% and guided lower in 3Q.
send it +20% ah? i'll double the position tomorrow, with added conviction.
