Mar 3, 2014 1:27 PM

CETV - Huge Volume with nice green candle Long


Central European Media (NASDAQ: CETV), which operates (unsurprisingly) in Central and Eastern Europe. Shares of CME, as it's commonly known, soared 74.9% after reaching a credit agreement with its largest shareholder, Time Warner (NYSE: TWX). The up to $545 million financing deal will allow CME to redeem its senior notes due in 2016 via a rights offering that will push the remaining balance of its loan out an extra year, and allow CME to become cash-flow positive by 2015. Central and Eastern Europe are considered emerging market economies that can grow at a significantly faster rate than the industrialized world, giving CME a chance to focus on its growth rather than on its precarious debt situation, while also providing a potentially profitable warrant scenario for Time Warner.