Jul 16, 2018 11:13 PM

DB : Deutsche Bank Dead Cat Bounce ?  Short

Deutsche Bank AGNYSE


Dead Cat Bounce
Bullish Reversal

* Net Inflows Way Down
* Net Outflows Way Up
* 1 Time Tax Credit Bump
* Massive Share Buy backs
* Massive Layoffs
* Ridicules Derivatives Book

So Yeah.... UMMMM
They will not let this bank fail. Worst Case Scenario it is bought by another Major Bank. DB going down would be worse than Lehman Brothers.... It will take a few years to clean up the balance sheet but when they do this stock will be worth much more than $12.00.
@reapper57, maybe right...
But what bank outside ECB would want to buy their banking train wreck ?
Did you hear the good news today regarding db ? Another class action lawsuit for material misrepresentation of derivatives
@rn0269, Someone who wants access to there 1.5 trillion is Assets obviously with a guarantee that they will be bailed out if needed on the derivatives book. What people don't realize is every major bank is sharing the derivatives as a whole. One goes down they all go down. DB derivatives book really isn't the issue. They need to focus on wealth management and traditional banking and get out of the trading businesses that got them into this problem in the first place. Which I believe they are already taking steps to do. There was rumors JPM was interesting in some DB assets. My father ran a public software company for a long time that serviced the banking industry mostly and he's been able to share a lot of knowledge about what really goes on in these huge banks.
@reapper57, excellent insight
@rn0269, If you want to look at the biggest problems in the banking industry right now look at China. They are hiding tens of trillions off balance sheet and growth is slowing, not to mention there Data is almost certainly fudged and you cannot believe a word any of their leaders say. Not to say the US Treasury and Fed don't do the same but we have the Dollar....
@reapper57, lol... very true.

The entire global debt ponzi scheme is a mess.
It's kinda like an extended game of Jenga.
@rn0269, Yeah I'd agree the market is a total ponzi scheme. Without new a steady flow of new investors coming in the older soon to be baby-boomer retirees would not have their big stock portfolio's. Obviously the Monetary Policy of unlimited debt helps push prices up with just inflation too. I don't see it ending in our lifetime however, which is great news for us haha
Plz explain
What's to explain ?
Dead man walking....
Only kept alive via ECB prop.