Jan 7, 2021 9:59 PM

Bulls crush all Long

Dow Jones Industrial Average IndexDJ


I finally concede. Despite pandemic, debt and economic devastation, bulls win the war and we will most likely see a parabolic rise to complete this bubble. It may last a few days days or two years. Nobody can know. Bond yields are also exploding and may go out of control, so please watch for that. However, every single technical topping indicator I have ever learned through researching 100 years of market history was breeched during this rally, so there is no more indicator imho. It will top when it tops. Good luck all!


There we go. I capitulated and down goes the market. :P


So far the bull rocket ship has failed to launch and evidence is again mounting that we could again be approaching a major market top.

1) insane crypto volatility based on nothing
2) all assets classes tanked together today
3) aaii bulls somehow spiked to near 100%
4) bond yields exploding

My view has now returned to neutral for now.
Yes LOL, the Last Bear capitulates... have a look at the chart from Apr 09 - Apr 11; see it? Same pattern, crash recovery, zig-zag, then measured move, lasting ~6 months.
Bear capitulation... Check! B)
@ProfitHarvest, Yup. LOL