Apr 3, 2020 4:45 PM

One of history greatest rektage Education

Dow Jones Industrial Average IndexTVC


Travelling back in time to the 19th century, the time of railroad bubbles.
Back then the corrupt government would make laws that prevented legitimate capitalists from fairly competing and trying to provide the greatest benefit to society, to instead let friends of theirs have a monopoly and charge honest citizen whatever they wanted to. (I will make a separate idea on this later maybe tomorrow).

In 1857 he ended in a fight to gain control of the New York and Harlem Railroad, one of the only two lines with direct access to Manhattan and had some unique advantages.

He later explained that he wanted to show that he could take this railroad, which was generally considered worthless, and make it valuable.

Can you guess what happens next?

And this is how corrupt council members and crony capitalists got rekt beyond belief.

I assume Cornelius Vanderbilt had a personal army as security, to prevent him from hanging himself.
long time follower and enjoy your insights as they are usually on point, as well as, educational. so if Cornelius Vanderbilt was alive today, he would be buying? Also, Trump sent the oil higher with his tweet. This is manipulation at its finest. just wonder how much he and his inner circle made on this comment. Must have been buying the shorts. Would love to hear your feedback. Stay safe!
@Ginossim, Buy what? Landlord morgages? Puts? Cruise line companies? I don't really see something similar.
Trump has made "the USA oil positive", they are a net exporter, haha. To produce Oil the USA have to use expensive fracking.
At very low oil prices the usa are getting decimated, according to a cnn news article it costs the usa $36 to produce a barrel of oil, versus 20 for russia and 10 for saudi arabia & neighbours

Of course Trump wants to pump the price of Oil no surprise there! Same as Elon Musk when he was tweeting lies to make tesla go up.
Trump also said a while ago he wanted to devalue the usd to "win in foreign trade", he had the trade war with china as every one knows (I wonder how bitter it made them and if the virus is related). And he always wants to manipulate the stock market up no matter the long term cost because ignorant people think it means he is a great president.

About railroad magnates I see nothing resembling it at the moment. There was volkswagen in october 2008 that porsche took control of, and was not looking to sell shares of, the company became the most expensive in the world as bears got burned, not exactly the same but similar outcome.

Tesla showed us what happened to bears that participated in crowded shorts.

And as for the US indices, if you saw the interview with Minneapolis federal reserve chairman Neel Kashkari, you must have been traumatized (guy must be on coke), he said that they would be way more aggressive and confirmed they would print huge amounts of money more than you think and literally bail out every one very very aggressively he was very clear on this, which confirms what "pessimists" said for years and repeated after powell announced QE infinity. This is similar to 1930 when bankers tried buying the stock market up. Except now they have infinite money so it might go up - in nominal terms, just like zimbabwe did. Shorting against gold might be wiser than shorting against usd which they have full control of. This is how the USA domination ends in my opinion.
@MrRenev, so shorting the dow, SPY and NAS a bad move? Just trying to get a feel for the direction I should take.
Bankrupt just like his 4 casinos?
This is why you need a strong leader and a strong state.