Mar 25, 2020 1:17 PM

DJI and the breakdown of the traditional financial system.  Short

Dow Jones Industrial Average IndexDJ


Mutli year uptrend.
Need a seriously healthy pullback into a territory where we can justify digitalisation of ALL assests and move forward again.
Clearly I am likely to be wrong.
way to bearish. This market/economy is completely different then what happened in 08. Corona will not last beyond May 1st on a epic scale. 14k worst case scenario and will go sideways before moving up again. 6 months we will be back at all time highs. Trump gets re-elected ( i just threw up in my Mouth) the market will explode past 30k. its a Healthy/Unhealthy pull back ....much needed. Hope you got your buys in because we about to make some millionaires!!