Sep 23, 2022 5:37 AM

The market is a meme: might a well laugh Long



Hello friends.

This chart of Dogecoin, AMC, and GME all indexed to 1 shows us the past performance of the meme sector. As we can see, high inflation and rising interest rates were not favorable outcomes for the Meme Market, and memes became less funny, which caused prices to fall. Now that no one is laughing from the memes, it could be the perfect time to make an investment into the future humor of memes. In other words, the best time to laugh is when no one is laughing. It was easy to laugh with Dogecoin when everyone thought it was a funny meme at its peak. Now they have either sold or are in a state of comatose despondence, failing to laugh at the irony that the joke they laughed at was in fact them; they were the joke.

Few meme-asset lovers can understand the humor in the reality that meme buyers themselves are the meme at which they laugh.

We predict that the Meme Index will more than *double* before the end of the year. Who will be laughing then? We will. We will be laughing all the way to the bank, wearing large clown shoes. "In a clown market, be the biggest clown. Be the funniest clown. Honk your nose!!". We will laugh hysterically. It will sound almost as though we are going to cough out our lungs. We will have trouble breathing because of how loudly our laughter is screeching through the sound barrier, shattering the ears of those who come too close.

But then, when the whole crowd of sheep starts to laugh hysterically, we will stop laughing just as suddenly as we began laughing. Our faces will morph into the solmn faces of Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, and there will be silence. The laughing will slowly die out, like the light dying from a candle, and in the end, there will not be a single chuckle. Not a chortle. Not even a haw haw. The laughing will be gone.

And we will begin to laugh again.......
Good thinking!
Well, that was a good laugh indeed, thanks