Apr 28, 2021 11:34 AM

Doge, the peoples currency? or a smokescreen? U tell me logicall 

DOGE / TETHER Standard FuturesBingX


so I I'm setting here noticing alts take a little dip fractions if noticed by people whom understand the volatility of crypto. I just can't get it past me that there is more going on then what the narrative is. call me paranoid but to see every alt coin besides storj, matic and a few others just getting off a run drop as in a synchronized swimmers class then to see all that money start to flow into doge as it's struggling to make the moves its making. My guess do to the the ???? token amount in circulation and hearing something along the lines of there being 5-8 wallets holding the mass majority of doge correct me I'd I'm wrong or chime in the actually statistic. Not to mention the thought that miners most likely would have dedicated a good allocation of miners to doge once Elon let out that first tweet. I myself am invested a small small portion of my portfolio and I have several friends I worry for that have gone all in. what are your thoughts on the situation. And please if you can not discuss the situation without the words diamond hands and to the moon you will just be wasting time typing sense we already know this. my question is what is the next step. p.s I welcome the nonsense I just said that to get all the hilarious comments that one receives from telling the internet not to do something. Let's do this.
Dodge will reach one dollar by the end of 2021
@majideskandari4312 yes I have heard that's amazing I to can read a chart and see at that momentum it will. but what happens when the circulation keeps pumping out more tokens since I can buy a few ASICS and have more doge then your wildest dreams. shit I can mine a doge of my android galaxy not efficiently but tell that to the Hover Damn size mining facility located In several locations over the world. like I said I got a small allocation but get no feedback other then your sheep like responses. I know u don't have to say it diamonds hands. your talking to someone whom has been diamond handing there cock since I was 12 and realized these hands are unbreakable. so like me mentioned in the title anyone got any clue what is going on. cause it does not take a tard to see that this is not good for crypto as a whole. personally I will benefit both ways that's how I'm set up, since if doge moons I'll make bread but if this is just a ruse for institutions to scoop up the alt coins that will most certainly be valued tools that we will look back at and wonder how we lived without them. there's no question about it that the value of alt coins was just recognized by institutions with the current nft emergence. they see exactly what I see I. the value of promotion, collectibles, Ads that could be mass distributed in air drops with no restrictions, i.e promoting cigarettes to kids via airdrop. You name it and these sharks will do it. that's a powerful tool both ways and am starting to think mankind has lost its ability to imagine what progress in that direction might be or lead to along with the bad. just as the internet was created as a storage for Knowledge and a way to communicate that to others but has also lead to pictures of cats the rise of memes, and more darker not to be mentioned things that slow down humanity's progress but still is used in every way possible in life day to day. These alt coins will do just that. they will be used in the beginning strictly for the intended use while some will just be scams out the gate.
People will catch on coins will R.I.P and we will be left with the ever evolving. There ment use cases will become more available more more broad in terms of use. People will get creative good or bad. Whatever the case if you don't think institutions want that all to them selves such the case with smart contracts which will reshape financial institutions behind the scenes. But you know I can explain all day why etheruem and others are in my opinion still early. we got nfts though lmfao. they will have value especially just concept. what people don't see is how valuable that can become. the idea of collecting sports memrobilla ok cool that's a market. but what's to stop me from dropping a really cheap crypto that can be purchased by the millions for cheap and could be easily mass programed to be Ads targeting kids or gamblers, whatever. what's to stop me from airdropping a millions of my dick Pic crypto. it won't be the gas fees
@majideskandari4312 I gave my reasons why I'm weary of doge so what is your take. whats got you bullish what are the plans. is there a certain amount of created doge to cash inflo equation or something I'm missing. I'd loved to be informed of something other then the great optimistic holders. I can wish in one hand and shit In the other which one is going to fill up first and that's how I feel about a game plan involving holding and nothing else whatsoever on both the company and the retailer other then what I've heard on repeat
also no hard feelings Diamond hands My fellow crypto mang
I am wondering someone like you think the way I am thinking about Doge. It's quite strange, but something else is happening behind the door.
@Raboon thank you for informing me im not going crazy lol what a year to get into trading the market and crypto. I'm not sure if this is going to make future trading any more tolerable or easier. Sure have learned alot lessons. Expensive lessons lol. Hope nothing but the best trades for you mang I guess we all along for the ride right. I'm staying on my toes one thing I noticed major is there Are not many hit pieces if any on it when youtube will have hit pieces things such as the pope, billgates, or the homie Chris Hanson when he dropped some bombshell truth. This is just fact whether out of malice or clickbate. But it seems as though bitcoin is on the brink of going to zero every other day in the media yet institutions keep buying more and more. You know how they are just being responsible doing there part warning of the dangers while going a step further and buying it from you for a discount 😆 to take the risk of our hands. I have yet to see a media report warning people of the doge bubble or about the infinite market cap or the majority of the token being held by less people then I can count on my finger very very suspicious.
forgot to add where I was going with what lead to my thinking this. as the alts decreased and doge is being occupied by new money I see all the good alts that justl came down start getting bought right up to the point if you were not watching it with your own eyes in the short amount of time one would have never noticed that that alts where even affected. 1 Alt maybe 2 alts OK but every single one of em with any value to them gobbled up