Dec 30, 2020 10:54 PM

Polkadot for a conservative 6x Long

DOT / DollarBitfinex


Time to get beneath the surface of this thing and become a nominator, start staking and jump into learning BABE and Substrate and all the other goodies.
Perhaps this is a hype train and it goes to zero, if so, then so be it. I think $100 is possible and therefore $51 is conservative. It gives me around 6:1 and i'm happy to DCA if we correct back to $3-4.
This will be a long-term idea - no margin/leverage


PERFECT! Comfortably 2x so far, infact I think it was closer to 3x at one point!
I actually found a slightly 'cheating' way of staking. Rather than downloading the app and chosing my own validator, I decided to put my DOT over to Kraken and use their staking service.
It pays out Tuesday and Friday and you have the option to automatically stake your newly earned DOT too.
Apparently it's 12% APY and yeah it's working fine so far. I've earned some DOT, more than I would have earned if this DOT was sat on my Ledger anyway.
So far, so good.
@chris_bailey pls how do l stake too?
Missed target by about $0.25 - but this is an experiment that I'm happy to leave running.
I'm even contemplating changing my target to $100