Aug 22, 2022 7:00 PM

#DXY How the FED will end... Central bank FIAT is almost DEAD... Short

U.S. Dollar Currency IndexTVC


Time to END the central bank Ponzi...
Bring back US Gov backed treasury notes backed by Gold...
100 year repeat button...


prophecy looks to be coming true...
You do understand their big reset only resets their debts, and leaves all of ours in tact and still owed. That's what they aren't telling folks. They plan to reset alright. We should not be ok with it. However I think this is a little melodramatic personally. Nowhere near there yet. They have plenty of tricks to keep fiat alive until they are ready to tank it permanently.
@Z3R0-G3N3S1S, Anything is possible. I think they are going to hyper inflate it all away. Anything but dollars is my motto. Crypto, Gold, Silver, Oil, Literally anything but dollars long term is better
@CryptoCarpenter2017, I don't disagree but they will have some form of backup in place. They were talking about SDRs yet again. (Special Drawing Rights) if you are not familiar. It was discussed when they converted us off the gold standard to FIAT. Bad idea then and still just as bad of an idea. I believe they already have a CBDC almost ready and they will just hand you a phone. That will be your shared key wallet and you share your key with the government so they can redistribute our wealth as they deem fit. Just think, no more doing taxes, they can just take what they believe we owe. Probably top selling point.... This is just a off the wall thought I had a while back, nothing more. However the wallet/phone would serve as a tracking/monitoring and all around Owenian tool. It's a win-win for them. Too bad most of us are too lazy, don't care, believe the government knows what is best for them or likes the government doing everything for them. I am not one of those people and I hope more then a few of the people here are not either. -Spiritus Invictus
@Z3R0-G3N3S1S you’re 100% right. This is exactly what’s coming unfortunately because people still sedated. I won’t give up yet and there’s still hope. Need to keep awaking more conciseness.
@CryptoBitcoinFunk, I have no idea what's coming that was just a educated guess. We could just as likely become the next Venezuela 15 years ago but I just don't see that being as possible due to American Greed. At least among the elites that have taken residence here but from my understanding most are headed to New Zealand along with their loyal followers they allow to go. I have not seen that with my own eyes so I can't say it is accurate because I really don't believe most things until I see it myself or know someone who has. Another option is an unstoppable asteroid is headed here and it really makes not a bit of difference so worrying about it does no good until there is something we can do. Now when people decide they want to actually fight for themselves and not be a bunch of blind sheep or more appropriately cattle because they will be slaughtered. Anyways this is not really a topic fo rhere and I shouldn't have brought it up but it started off having to do with the USD going to 0, my favorite number.. Can discuss more on twitter though.
Thank you!
Why are you saying prophecy coming true and dxy is going up
Dxy for you is going up and after down ?