Apr 14, 2020 2:30 AM

The Greatest Collapse in History Short

U.S. Dollar Currency IndexTVC


We're about to witness the collapse of the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world. The DXY which represents the US dollar's strength against other currencies is going to receive a major blow due to Quantitative Easing policies by the Federal Reserve of the United States. This, combined with the current state of affairs of the paralysed american economy, such as the 12 million unemployed, the current mortgage defaults, and the overall bubble in which Wall Street permanently lives in, is the perfect molotov cocktail that will destroy was is currently conceived as status quo and bring a new era on to the world, upon our daily lives and our shared social reality.

And this is the chart that represents this.

Gold, Silver, Bitcoin and some alts like LINK and VIDT are going to be highly benefitted from this.

I expect a bullrun for BTC up to 100.000 USD per BTC.

I expect the US dollar to fall to historic lows.

Let's wait and see!
"the US dollar's strength against other currencies is going to receive a major blow"
That's not going to happen yet as the other countries from which those other currencies originate are also conducting the same policies relative to the scale of their own economies. Gold and Silver are the only winners that I identify here. I cannot comment on the other hedges you have listed. Back to the original point, for the USD to tank against other currencies the Fed would have to monetize the euro dollar i.e QE for the world not just the U.S. And yes I believe it will happen it just hasn't happened yet. At that point in time (shortly) the private Federal Reserve will officially become the worlds central bank.
..and coup d'etat will be complete.
You realize the USD is backed fully by the US military and nothing else right? There is a reason the US Defense budget is larger than every other country by many magnitudes. There would have to be an actual war for the USD to fail. Sorry.
@apberg3, a pandemic is worse than a war.
@apberg3 Okay dude, no, just no. The US dollar isn't DURR HURR "Backed by the US military". It is purely backed by the faith of foreigners who use it to trade with one another. It has been at such low interests rates, and our standard of living, in the US (and Europe), has been so inflated for decades because the US government/Fed are willing to bail out everyone from corporations to banks to individual Americans, and now, even OTHER central banks. The US dollar IS going to collapse. We have no manufacturing, the ability for businesses to start is only getting harder, and the usefulessness of a college degree has gone down the drain (I have a better job as a high school dropout than any other college kid I know). The dollar is crashing this year, and you will be one sorry dipshit when even the government trying to put upward pressure, with free money, on the economy, fails. Shit, even cutting oil production hasn't pushed up WTI oil price, and has only pushed it down.

There might be a war out of pure shock, but we'll lose it like we've lost every other one. (We didn't win WWII, and not trying to debate)
If it happens, I hope it results in less use of central bank fiat stablecoins. In my unpopular opinion they are one of the biggest reasons for less gains across the crypto market as a whole than we've had in the past.
I believe you might be right, and who better to bring it into fruition and the king of bankruptcies, Mr. Trump himself.