Dec 29, 2018 8:43 AM


U.S. Dollar Currency IndexTVC


USD in a nutshell. In 2019, the US Economy will be slowing down
GDP growth will slow down to 2.7%
Unemployment rate will go up to 4%
Consumer confidence will go down
Business confidence will go down as well
Government debt will continue to rise

Inflation will go up 2.2 - 2.6
Interest rate will be increased twice 2.5 - 2.75

Even though, those future data will be bad.
USD will continue to be strong and will continue to go up.
EU cant get their acts together
GBP will still be in a mess with their Brexit
AUD and NZD will be caught in the cross fire between US-China Trade war
JPY and CHF will continue to declare that their economy is fragile and do nothing.

DXY will be 98-99 at the end of the year........

Good bye 2018 and Hello 2019!
The year of the PIG! Pigs are frugal they say
So 2019 will be the year that we all tighten all our belts with this impending global economic slow down.......

(These are the author's own personal views and NOT in any way a trade advise......)

GOOD Job, lets see if we sell 99 or 92 in December lol :)
@Weekly_Forex_Forecast, hahaha! ayt! i will ping you in December! haha!
Ride the pig :)
Agree with overall view except YEN. If the Equities begins to weaken in serious way, YEN will likely be relatively strong currency and even USDJPY will decline accordingly. This is implied by positive correlation of USDPY with Nikkei 225.
@DanV, i agree.. we are seeing it already.... Japan in general is not growing though.. no expenditure, people are not spending... and negative GDP growth.... if that continues their market is going to stall..
@bonoscharts, Yes, I don't think it is a matter of their economy as such but rather reversing or carry trade and where in risk averse environment USD and YEN are normally strong.
Nice chart. Note that DXY *might* be trying to form a very large and long sideways triangle from the 104 top before moving significantly higher. In which case your pattern will be wave B.