Feb 7, 2021 7:05 PM

EGLD, a coin that went under your nose. Long

EGLD / TetherUSBinance


William Delbert Gann has said: "The future will be a repetition of the past", a quote that is in direct contradiction to the famous repeated phrase "Past performance is no guarantee of future results". Every serious trader has his own mindset and personality. Following the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator a person is either a strong judging character or a strong prospecting one. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. It is obvious Gann was the latter. If we take a look at the breakouts downwards with EGLD, draw a trendline towards the top, flip them 90 degrees, we see that the market is reacting to them. Could it be so simple? It is a direct contradiction to what every seasoned trader would say in crypto."Extremely volatile and unpredictable! Whales have rigged the game! Pump and dump scheme! Everyone is a genius in a bull-market!" It is up for you decide what you believe in. I believe that, the more we know, the more we know what we don't know. But we can make well-informed guesses and see what sticks with our personality and our wallet. EGLD seems to stay here for the long run. I would not be surprised if the price hits 400+ usd in 5 years.
400$ in 5 years ? Oh my god, this coin is going to reach 400$ in a few months. Its not even listed on Coinbase yet. Maiar was just launched and they have a long-term plan to develop this app and the Elrond ecosystem.
@iosifmila agreed
New speculation play rn, people wanna fomo into this
@iosifmila, make that 400$ by the end of the month buddy, this is a 2021 bull run, not 2019
I just have hard time to comprehend how this coin went parabolic! any entry level?
Too bad in hindsight this coin made x20 in 3 months time! Sky is the limit!
400$ in 5 years? I'm joking ! Cheers
can't belleive it