Apr 19, 2021 4:53 PM

ENBL stock price should more than Double by mid Year.  


Energy Transfer announced their merger with ENBL which overalls net worth was 2.7 Billion.
Rumors said it was completely undervalued as a company.
ET purchased them for $7 Billion.
Making the stock price of both of these companies undervalued.
by iCantw84it


Everything is following the trend so far.


Didn't know about this part of the IDeas I will keep track of them now. I already sold half my options calls and riding for free.

Trade active

@SavvyMoneyShow is it safe to do an option call on ENBL out to Aug for in the money at $7.50? What are the odds this becoming worthless with the 7billion dollar price tag that is on it now. Shouldnt the price go to 16/share?
@iCantw84it, if the deal goes through it should I bought shares (qualified for the 10% dividend) and 2 options before runup but in case something happens like with shaw communications where regulators step in and stop it highly unlikely but that is why I have fhe shares no time decay and I still have the company undervalued