Oct 4, 2018 7:34 AM

Analytics ENG/BTC 


The Enigma project positions itself as a solution for traders and investors. The team has clear plans for project development. However, in our opinion, the idea is difficult to scale.
The coin is distinguished by low liquidity and a chart with poor data for technical analysis. On the positive side, we can note that trading volumes are at a constant level since March, while other altcoins have experienced a significant decline.
Since early September, the token is in a narrow corridor 0,00009727-0,00008270, and this creates additional risks, because exit from the channel can occur in any direction, and the reasons for growth are not observed. Volatility is about 6-8% per day. This case and the high price of the token gives good opportunities for intraday trading. Growth potential is about 240-280%. Not suitable for long-term investments.
Solid advice, I think we all just dumped here because it is a shit coin. No long term potential because a few bands after ICO don't look good.
@SandraWeiss, What is difficult about scaling a scaling solution other than just doing it? ETH is difficult to scale. EOS is broken. Blockchain, AI, machine learning and so many other things are the future that WILL scale when it is private and allows computation on that secure data. Possibilities are endless.
@SandraWeiss, If big hedge fund investors can jump in on the potential for speculation in this market when they see ETH or BTC then you've seen nothing yet. If this project works and developers adopt it then in 5 years you'll cut off your left ear for another hundred ENG.
@SandraWeiss, Thank you for your opinion, we will carefully watching for the project development.