Jan 12, 2015 5:04 PM

SP500 Fut - 4 hours to go 

E-mini S&P 500 FuturesCME


Today's close will be important.

Closing above 2037/2042 would reinforce the move up after a strong test dive.

Closing below 2027 may open to further downside.

4 hours to go.. climbing 15 points is feasible.

The ideal "Disney Land" target would be 2130 on the March future.
Feels heavy mate, also the recent volatility/price action is worrisome
yes agree.
I think, It is a matter of days now before it falls decisively below 2000.
Best case is probably a 6 business rally to 2080 before to collapse again.
2140 target is much less likely now (still possible but to be managed as risk rather than base plan)...
once it falls below 2000.. 1960 needs to be monitored but shall be broken... same with 1915... and i think 1855 may be our buy.
6 business rally, what do u mean by that? why you're considering 1855 buy?
6 business day rally. until 22nd/23rd of January.
1855: plot the 400d ema.. rather important level.. the second touch after 10% down may retain again and we would have to wait more before to have a collpase (if that is to happen)
Think 1850 is very reasonable target, but generally it seems that its gonna be choppy from now on, with downside looks more likely for me, near term my eye on the 200 days average at 1967
yes.. Hoping for a last bounce into draghi.. but that would be too nice now as it would it be too clear a short..
I am already short :)
Draghi - 22nd of Jan - May be too naive to hope for a move up... either that or i will wait for a clear ultra tactical...
btw 1960 region is very important level beyond the 200d ema.. which became obsolete in the regime we had i think and you need to jump one time frame to the 400d.
i think if you can hold the noise (large one), you will win soon or later..
Hope so, good luck to you as well