Dec 3, 2018 10:10 PM

BUY The F.U.D Long

Ethereum Classic / DollarBitfinex


ETC Dev announced shutdown. The majority thinks ETC is DEAD, going to ZERO. Strong NEGATIVE WORDS. Buy the FUD and Sell the FOMO? Well, this is what FUD looks like. Downside: It could go to ZERO. Upside: It could be trading around $100 in a few month's time. YOUR CALL.


In a few hours from now, I'll add a link here on why "ETC might be the next XRP"


I have made one of the most posts on ETC/USD. I would like to say that I do feel bad about Igor Artamonov 'leaving' but that is purely out of a concern for principles. If I were to care more about the price, I would be jumping right chaning "to the moon" slognas now after what just happened. The price of ETC is going to explode after this. If you know what happened on the inside, you understand what I mean. However, I am more concerned that ETC should stick to its principles of immutability and decentralization. For me that is important than a price boost.


' It could be trading around $100 in a few month's time.'
Some months ago you said the same.
'November will be HUGE.'
Now it is december.
I'm glad that I just read and not follow your advice. :-)
@Hunor, Some months ago I said the same and here I am saying the same thing again. The bear market did not change my view of Ethereum Classic. Sentiment can sway here and there quite easy, but fundamentals, those are hard to change. As for "November will be HUGE" I was referring to proposed IOT Compatibility by November 30. They postponed it which was the best thing to do considering it wouldn't have made much difference in present circumstances. Lastly, I'm glad you just read and not followed my advice because this is NOT advice. It's just my thoughts. Do your own work.
@fakhan, Thanks.
@Hunor, I do not think it is him, it is just how the market played out. I do agree his overly ambitious about this project, probably holding bags but who cares. ETC is in a free fall since $9 support broke, we will see occasional jumps but it is not going to stop until atleast 3$. It will be a great buy at 0.50 cents or less, best is no buy at all, stick with btc.
@DocAMG, If you knew as much as I do about ETC, you'd probably be 'overly ambitious' too. Anyway, I agree with you. We should stick to investing in things we understand.
Loaded with ETC now
@Zenter, Should have waited till weekend.
@fakhan, why you think so
@Zenter, Looks vulnerable. Might drop to $3 to put in a bottom.
@fakhan, a couple of cents does not matter if we are going to 100$ :P