Feb 20, 2018 3:29 PM

ETH ew update trend  

Ethereum / DollarBitfinex



Exactly as my gut feeling was telling me. Sold a bit. In case we retrace a bit, i now have fiat to buy more. I had this feeling bitcoin is feeding on his younger bro for trying to become a new king. The number one wanabe didnt suffer that much at all in this corection.

I think time has come. Lol

Thanks and good luck everyone.
@SorinBlajan, they say eth will surpass btc one day.. . any thoughts ?
Im extremely bulish on both.
I think they will both do great. I think that eth is the only alt coin that makes sense.
I think ETH is very promissing but also in a bad way.
I think lightning network can make many of the alts useless.
I think bitcoin sounds expensive and old to many retail investors.
I wouldnt store a few hundreds on somebody's coin.
I think that eth will do great once bitcoin starts to trade sideways and once the dumb money start to come back in the market