Jul 19, 2021 2:26 PM

The revolution 

Euro Fx/U.S. DollarFXCM


The globalist clones that all think the same way in power for 30 years or more (that's subjective, depends where we put the threshold) know they are threatened and will stop at nothing to hold onto power.

Europe, NA, could add the South Africa rainbow nation too. Complete failure.

Here is what happened in 2017 during the french elections:

Volatility is going to go up up up. Hey even DEM to USD was rather constant 1926-1933 at 4.2 then it dropped quickly to 2.6. Then not too much change.
Stock market went up up up under Hitler euphoria (all opposed him from the start in 1946). Literally the only dictatorship I know of. What usually happens to price?
What about Chile?

"The aim is to make Chile not a nation of proletarians, but a nation of entrepreneurs." - Augusto Pinochet. (Today Chile has the 3rd rate of entrepreneurship in the world).
When Pinochet took power he inherited the socialist failures, and had hyperinflation then after a few years there was the "Chilean miracle" ye right "miracle", no just someone that cared about his country and moved to fix it. He wasn't a dictator to hold onto power (if he was even one), but someone that was fair and wanted to fix the country that socialists destroyed (and to this day it's one of the world countries with least wagecucks - and gets flooded by central american migrants/grasshoppers).
So we can't really compare those. Pinochet was the solution, the western propagandist dictators are the problem they are the Allendes running a slowly declining country.

Ye usually under dictators economies do well to be honest. They might devalue the currency, when the dictator first steps in biased investors might crash prices, but over time things seem to go well not gonna lie. When dictators are fair and care about their country, not when they are Kim Jong Un ruining his country and blaming it all on the USA.

Only difference between North Korea and US+EU is NKR puts a gun on the head (usually heart) of people to force them to believe the propaganda.
The west uses censorship and controlling all the media and lies but no gun to the head, shame to all the morons that willingly believe the propaganda.
They also want to use economic incentives (a nation of big companies wagecucks that can get fired and never find a job, a cashless society that can freeze accounts, etc).

Europe is looking more like the Soviet Union in the late 80s than anything else. If the Soviets could not stop it, how can western low Testosterone losers?
There is 1 difference: The west is "diverse", and as Jeff Bezos knows so well, a diverse workforce cooperates and unionizes much less.
Still, divide to conquer is crumbling, both the "left" and "right" are so fed up and mad they are teaming up.

Here is a list of some of the dictator laws in France of the last 5 years:

And there is much more. They'll never run out of excuses:
- Any terrorist act to enable mass surveillance
- Any disease to enable movement restrictions
- Any conspiracy theory to enable censorship
- Any violence at protests to enable control
- Any cop death threat to enable Derek Chauvins
- And so on...

I also want to add 1 thing about the collapse:
30 years ago the USA were the first trading partner of the entire world.
Today who's left? France and the UK. Seriously. Oh and North American countries (US neighbours).
For real the entire planet was blue (US partners) and now it's entirely red (China) with the exception of 2 lapdogs in blue: France and England XD
The US are going to number 2. They'd be almost there or even there already if it wasn't for all the debt and exporting their inflation.

Revolutions and end of an era. Mark my words 🔥🔥🔥


By the way covid is here to stay:

Plus there are so many boomers and they are getting older, so it's going to get worse (covid or something else).

I've made so many calls I can't keep up, I should write a whole book with all my future predictions to keep track, and call myself a druid.


Ah. Just 1 update then I'll let it rest for a while.
A vaccination center in Pyrénées-Atlantiques (France) got burned to the ground :)
The government said they wanted "very harsh sentences".

Near the burnt center they found a banner with written "Against us tyranny" (it's from the national anthem).

It was a brilliant move by the government to announce anti free covid passes 2 days before the french revolution anniversary, clearly these brilliant individuals are geniuses. Every year people sing "Let's take arms and slaughter the tyrants" (part of the national anthem). Lmao.

I think I forgot to mention something very important:
Just like the dictators.

The firemen, which are not armed and therefore also lost their freedom, have been starting to organise opposition (via the big unions).
I am also guessing that for hunters, which live in the country side mostly and are armed, them not getting a pass or vaccine will be tolerated.
As well as muslim hoods since the government and their police are scared to death to enter there. Cucks. They are weak and they won't do shit.
They'll only terrorise unarmed law abiding citizens and big city woke bourgeois that have a mental illness (just like in the urban density rat experiment)

Macron popularity just dipped 13% with young people (18-24):

Iirc young people are the most vaccinated after the old, and they were also quite happy with the dictatorship, but they have a breaking point.
For millions of years the young were rebels even when there was nothing to rebel against.
Now with soy milk, porn, crap food, school, and more, they have become submissve. If you told that to any human of the last million year they wouldn't believe it. Anything is possible, so be open minded.

Talking about being open minded, the US, that likes to compare people they think dumb to neanderthals, suggesting they believe neanderthals were an inferior race, have been making more racist comments, about "uncivilized" russians and chinese. Bunch of woke whites that think they are superior and give lessons about racism to others. Their civilization is collapsing and that's going to be wonderful to watch. They will get humiliated and it will be well deserved.

China and Russia will just take over, the west downtrend will accelerate and go parabolic. Thanks for the welfare but when it hits the ground I'm leaving, won't stay to help them rebuild or save pieces.
Once all these idiots have sufficiently suffered we will see.

The yellow vest protests have morphed into something even bigger and there will be more acts of La résistance like burning vaccination centers and other government stuff. The media will paint them as anti-science morons, or evil terrorists that put other people lives in danger.
History will not be kind to this government, the media, and all the braindead collabos that believe and support their BS.
Keep up the good work
Very good!
Deep thought here. I'm curious... What do you think the next era would look like? What would change?
@goraxes_, Vladimir Putin and top russian spies said that Europe was like the USSR in the late 80s, where things got so absurd even the people telling the lies didn't believe them. Since the NWO Europe got traumatized by socialism and fascism and overreacted (Hitler drank water hence water is bad). It got worse and worse for the past 30-50 years. In the 80s the KGB generals could not stop laughing because France paid foreign students full welfare, even they, the main communists, thought that was too much, and they sent student spies to France for free, all expenses paid by the government that would get spied on. :/

What can't possibly continue are some of the absurd things: "we will defund the police, not send criminals to jail, and take your guns away". People are dumb and submissive and have 0 preservation instinct, but if you straight up hold their head under water they will wiggle around. They are not going to stand still and wait to die. Racism in the USA skyrocketted, for example a white defendant has 35% odds of being found guilty by white jurors and 70% odds by black jurors (versus 50 & 45 for a black defendant), I'm pretty sure that all the innocent people sent to jail because of their skin color will notice! And be resentful.

People are not just going to stand still unarmed with no police to call and wait to be killed with a smile on their faces, instinct survival never goes away.

So I can't predict the future, lots of variables, maybe the absurd hell continues for a while before a revolution, but what I know is the absurd stuff can't stay.

Also what I know: TRENDS. Tech bears in 2000 were ridiculed, in 2010 they got recognized. It often takes about 10 years to complete this process:
- Truth is ridiculed
- Truth is fought with anger
- Truth is generally accepted as self evident by the sheeple

What I can predict: The rainbow nation ideal will fall apart with great brutality. What's funny is the "good guys" know this. Those at the top I mean, not the braindead sheeple.
In 2016 there was a major leak, we heard our good guy socialist president of France in denial that on camera always says he believes in all the western ideology and diversity, so we heard him say in private that it was all BS and there was absolutely no way France could avoid balkanization. :D Sounds a lot like an ultra right wing conspiracy theorist. The media didn't relay this info (or barely), and no one criticized him. If someone else had said it he'd immediately get called an ultra mega nazi of the super mega far right turbo evolution.

I got no simple one liner answer. It's more of a tree with ifs and a few certainties. Hopefully we get less wageslavery and more self employed, or at least hybrid independant but attached to a big platform (macdonald, youtube).
@MrRenev, Even more interesting! Thanks for giving some more insight. It's good to know that we share same hopes for the future of work.
On the future side I can see cataclysmic events happening and at least partial collapse of institutions. As I believe from that state, movements based on individual freedom and massive decentralization will lead the way out. Those would change institutions and power dynamics in an irreversible way.
@goraxes_, I sometimes write about it on telegram, it's a bit too redpilled for tradingview. "1 man 1 vote" democracy as predicted by the greeks that invented it is a huge fail and completely collapsing (70% of abstention in France). Westerners are ignorant about Africa, all they know is the nonsense "hungry kids" propaganda they see, the reality is Africa is the perfect example of how this nonsense western ideology can't work.

For example the south of Sudan (Dinka majority) is rich in oil and voted (referendum) to join South Sudan (another country), what Sudan did is send thousands of arabs there to make sure the vote would fail and they'll keep the oil. Also this was made possible by an idiotic NGO financed by ignorant boomers: They went "oh no these poor arabs let's build them houses and dig wells" (arabs had a perfect simbiotic relation with the Dinkas, for half the year they went south to clean and fertilize the dinka fields with their cattle - their cattle gets fed and the dinka farmers get fertilizer and a clean field). But since the white NGOS built wells and houses for the arabs they now have no reason to leave for half the year and they just settled there permanently creating so many issues, good job charity boomers!

African countries (no one knows this) but even the USA and South Africa (westerners know about those more) prove democracy is a joke: The votes are basically racial & ethnic polls.
South Africa is divided between west and east (zulus). In the USA well you know.
The USA are doing certain things to win votes but I can't mention it here. Africa is really the place the most hurt by far by all this ideology.

Iraq had a tribal system for 10,000 years and great civilizations. The west lived in forest for 8/10k years (that's why so many blue eyes) and burned witches for 1/10k.
These forest people think they can teach others how to be civilized xd.

I could go on. Love writting about this.

All truths are ridiculed, then fought, then accepted as self-evident. It takes decades but in history books it barely makes 1 line.