Oct 24, 2018 8:21 AM

EURUSD 15m, reverse your position when necessary! 

Euro Fx/U.S. DollarFXCM


Guys this is the trade that i was speacking about! i was long till yestarday as x analysis post here! but this morning at london open i ve seen this bearish pattern formation if you have follow the update i was warning about this. So closed the long and i ve reverse my position . They has pull a big stop hunt and then push strong the price down. Anyway the key was the triangle as you can see price won t go up and consolidate a bit and we know that after consolidation we have another push. So looking back we have a strong push down a consolidation in this symmetrical triangle and most likely we continue down! That s it.
PS. follow me on instagram COMMUNITYTRADERS2392 i post some analysis also there and some journey/results.
thank you!


Hi guys i m still holding this analysis, today we have rate decision that we know they ll left at 0,00 % basic points but what will influnce the market will be the speech of mr. Draghi! i stay bearish on this one cause Draghi n europe now are in difficult political situation cause of Italy and i don t think and so the analysist that Draghi we ll start to change now the economic approach! Cause all the europe tower should do well! Anyway my plan is to stay now flat till a possible re-entry (just to add 1-2 positions) present itself, i will post here a possible setup stay tuned let s banks this pips!