Feb 18, 2021 10:44 PM

FE rsi overbought Short

FirstEnergy Corp.NYSE


FirstEnergy reported rather lackluster Q4 results. It only generated $0.32 per share of operating earnings, which missed the analysts' consensus estimate by $0.16 per share. As a result, the company's full-year results came in at $2.39 per share, below 2019's level of $2.58 per share. The primary issue weighing on the company's earnings was the proactive steps it took to resolve the regulatory issues facing its Ohio utilities following last year's bribery scandal, which cost it $0.15 per share in Q4. On top of that, lower weather-related energy usage and higher costs also impacted its Q4 results. The utility anticipates better days ahead in 2021. It expects to generate between $2.40 to $2.60 per share of operating earnings. Powering that rebound will be the company's progress on its strategic goals and the absence of the additional costs associated with the issues facing its Ohio utilities. FirstEnergy also unveiled that activist investor Carl Icahn is looking to acquire a stake in the company. In its annual report, the utility noted that it received a letter earlier this week that Icahn filed a request with the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice asking to acquire $184 million to $919.9 million of the utility's voting shares. The company doesn't know if Icahn acquired those shares or the intentions behind the request to purchase the utility's stock. (source: The Motley Fool) Do your own due diligence, your risk is 100% your responsibility. You win some or you learn some. Consider being charitable with some of your profit to help humankind. Small incremental steps work : If you double a penny a day for a month it = $5,368,709. Good luck and happy trading friends...

*3x lucky 7s of trading*

7pt Trading compass:
Price action, entry/exit
Volume average/direction
Trend, patterns, momentum
Newsworthy current events
Balance sheet

7 Common mistakes:
+5% portfolio trades, risk management
Beware of analysts motives
Emotions & Opinions
FOMO : bad timing
Lack of planning & discipline
Forgetting restraint
Obdurate repetitive errors, no adaptation

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Trading View app!, Brokerage UI
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Wide screen monitor/s
Trading log (pencil & graph paper)
Big organized desk
Reading books, playing chess
Sorted watch-list

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