Feb 6, 2021 8:03 PM

DFV SOLD 300 OPTIONS - and you HOLD? 

GameStop CorporationNYSE


If you don't believe me check this:

On 26/01 he had 800 options still holding but on 27/01 he has 500.
He sold 300 options on the highest point making him and additional 9million.

His previous trades before that made him 4 million but this trade above is the worst.
Since he and WBS were telling others to HOLD - why did he then sell?

He is now owning millions - more then 13 million.
Where are you?

Check the different below - 26/01 & 27/01;utm_medium=ios_app&;utm_name=iossmf


Every time an hedge fund get's an bail out, it's the taxpayer that is paying.

2008 crisis: Wall street got bailed out and the taxpayer paid 450 billion for that. GOOGLE it.

Neither you and I get a bail right? So why them when they screw up???


Just to be sure:

This is not financial advice - you do whatever you want to do with your money.
DFV played the diamond hand retards for fools. A sucker is born every minute.
@stackincheddar, unfortunately yes
Why didn't he sell everything then? Still holds 50k shares...
@soltarikensho, he is a good trader and pro traders don't everything at once but calculate their risk and have an exit strategy
the bigger question is why are you so butt hurt that people want to hold this stock and making multiple analysis trying to sway people to sell just leave people to do there own thing or did you stupidity open a short on this after all of what just happened lol.
Man. A lot of these comments are not aging well at all...
Hold the line.
When we are stuck with shares we bought at the insane price of over $290, one can't sell for peanuts and sing out loud his/her ruin and declare bankruptcy!

People got smarter and richer, other like me got poorer because careless and unlucky. Praying for a miracle at this point. Be gentle with your words and comments, to avoid hurting those who were late in the game and caught in this disaster.
@wardaK, I'm gentle :)
Facts remain facts my friend - and more facts have to be uncovered.