Dec 2, 2023 10:01 PM

Personal Lookback 💜 November's Profits, Success Rate, Risks 



Greetings, fellow traders,

As we embark on the second day of December, I'm filled with immense pride to announce that our previous 12 market analytics from November have triumphantly achieved their respective target prices. This remarkable accomplishment spans a diverse spectrum of assets, including precious metals like gold, forex pairs like EUR, and the ever-evolving realm of cryptocurrencies, exemplified by Bitcoin. For your convenience, a comprehensive list of these TradingView analytics will be readily available in the description below.

While we've navigated the market with remarkable precision, avoiding any unfortunate stop loss hits, I wholeheartedly encourage the integration of safety measures into your future trading endeavors. Your well-being and financial security remain paramount, and implementing prudent risk management strategies is an essential cornerstone of success.

As I reflect upon this journey, I extend my deepest gratitude for the unwavering motivation and inspiration you have bestowed upon me. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind my commitment to providing insightful market analysis and fostering a community of empowered traders.

Together, let us strive to maintain, if not surpass, this exceptional success rate. May our collective passion for market mastery continue to propel us towards new heights of financial prosperity.

I wish you all the very best in your trading endeavors, and may longevity fill your paths.

Happy trading, and long life!




Kind regards,
it was so much informative analysis with amazing view for the market thanks for sharing
@rTrader_official, Appreciating your contributions, I've noticed a reduced presence lately. I hope all is well. Remember, I'm here to listen and assist if needed. Through my years here, I've realized that while professional composure is essential, suppressing emotions is not a sustainable trading strategy. We have emotions, and what we need is emotional control – the ability to share with others when appropriate and retreat when necessary. 💗