Apr 6, 2014 11:29 PM


Alphabet Inc.NASDAQ


Notes on chart
Google and Priceline both tgt lower, both oversold, I have some other similar on radar, foreboding? mmm, sell in May and go away, but this year, as with all things FED, and her uneccesary dovish comments, but no rate effect? Perhaps the Fed has lost its grip a bit, and that has the markets worried, which were overdue for a true correction anyway... the bears may have their way earlier this summer. April and May typical down months, usually good for 5 to 7% did NOT go down last year, first year in forever (FED effect again). If the chumps get worried, and the sharps have no suckers to sell to, I see a huge sell off looming , if not at the door. Watching WFM, and that 50 floor has been like concrete, but if it cracks... love your charting. Thanks :)