Hang Seng IndexUpdated

What's up , China ?

If we look closely at what the Chinese government have been doing of late, I would say they are indeed doing a great job for the people of China. From clamping down on the 996 working culture, stopping the fan culture online and drastically reducing the amount of tuition for kids........

Living in Singapore, we are not too much different. Parents with kids are also sent to a frenzy when weekends come. They act as chauffeur for their kids, sending them from one enrichment program to another islandwide, hoping to give them a better edge in life.

This article here prompted this Taiwanese entrepreneur to take things in his stride and created an eco-farm where his kids and the public can now enjoy and spend more time with nature rather than the mobile phone or laptop.

The big picture is to ensure the Generation Z and younger would have a life outside of their virtual world, parents who are slogging hard to make money would not feel so stressful each day worrying about their kids' academic results or extra curricular activities. And of course, down the road, I expect more benefits like maternity , paternity leave , cash grants , etc to be dish out to incentivise more couples to have more children.

The notion of "getting older before getting rich" is a concern for the Chinese government and they have to do whatever it takes to turn the situation around. Retirement villages , eldercare services are relatively a new concept in China unlike the US and Europe and it will take some times before we see a change.

And because of the "elitism" mentality, many parents are buying properties near the schools they want to enrol their kids. Government has also move in to rein the red hot booming property market and those properties around the school areas have witnessed a drop in pricing after the clampdown on the private education sector. Read article here

When reading the news daily ,it may appear that there is a BIG CLEAN UP by the government. Many industries have not been spared and I think more sectors will not be spared in the coming months.......

See how powerful a trend line could be ?
