1/2/24 - $intu - need low $500s or else gl sidelines 4 me

1/2/25 :: VROCKSTAR :: INTU
need low 500s or else gl sidelines 4 me

- will keep it short and sweet like my post in may '24
- good name. think they will continue to lead their tax and biz planning niche
- but at >30x PE and growing mid teens at best, i simply have to ask "is that the best (you) or i could do?"
- i mean NVDA is similarly trading w/ better ebitda mgns and valued similarly on PE but growing at 40+% -> THAT's the benchmark. and it's the question i posed as my look ahead about "why AAPL when you could pay the same and own NVDA with 3-4x the growth and not have to deal with a cracked out consumer"
- i reviewed this one tn as someone recommended the long INTU and short CRM pair. i "like" the idea of pair trades, but probably more on a professional level as i used to carry more positions and manage risk differently.
- i genuinely don't think INTU OR CRM are shorts - but i think they're probably mediocre growers? (index trackers) at best, maybe that's 10-15% and "cool". but again.... you could do better. and if it's a 1-2% position only... why the distraction to my PnL
- so where do i become more interested? probably in the mid 20s PE which would be about 20% lower. chances are, however, *if* we got there... i'd probably want to own some higher quality names that are maybe off 5-15% and not the 20% dip in stuff like INTU or crm.
- but alas, quarterly reports can offer weird dips as we've learned. mkt is acting a lil cray these days. so. this is just a note to myself (and to anyone who cares) that i'm just not going to trade this unless we at least get below $550, but realistically i'm probably not a buyer until $500... and if we get there, maybe something's straight broken.
- i'm watching, things can change
- if u own it and like it and see it differently - always like to hear the alternative. i'm rooting for you, really.

