LK -Luckin Coffee Fundamental Analysis

There is not to say a lot regarding Technical Analysis.

Fundamental Analysis:
Bad News:
For the Quo Vadis Capital president John Zolidis, Luckin Coffee has failed to generate sustained operating profits during its short life as a public company -- and with its mounting losses, it's possible it could descend into bankruptcy before it's ever able to do so.

Kind of a good news:
HONG KONG (Reuters Breakingviews) - An ice-cold Luckin could reheat the competition for China’s coffee drinkers. The reeling chain, once worth $12 billion, is being kicked off the Nasdaq for fraud. Its brand may be toxic, but some of its assets – and ideas – will be of interest to Yum China, Tim Hortons or homegrown Heytea. With deeper pockets, these rivals could present an even more formidable challenge to $91 billion Starbucks.
