May 7, 2021 3:06 AM

Space Aliens and Lockheed Martin Long

Lockheed Martin CorporationNYSE


Space Aliens and Lockheed Martin

Within this brief essay on Lockheed Martin we are going to discuss technicals and fundamentals.

  • F-35 Concerns. For months the press has been all over Lockheed for many technical issues with the F-35, and policy makers have been hitting on the cost of the F-35.

    Here is a quote from NBC: "And even the relatively low $80 million-per-F-35 price tag is deceptive, because the F-35 has proven so expensive and challenging to maintain that every hour an F-35 is flown costs $36,000 on average, compared to $22,000 for an F-16. By an alternate metric, the F-35 is over three times more expensive per hour to fly."

  • UFO Fragments Are Likely In Lockheed Martin’s Possession, Says Ex-Sen. Harry Reid


In this day and age of meme stocks, let's explore some of the additional hype around this topic.

The space alien article is from Deadline, and in and of itself is not very meaningful on first glance. However its essential that we then evaluate the avalanche of additional information that has hit us on this Space Alien topic.

* “Dr. Xinli Wei, a microbiologist from the Chinese Academy of Science; Dr. Rudolph Schild, an astrophysicist from Harvard-Smithsonian; and Dr. Rhawn Gabriel Joseph, also known as the Space Tiger King, were the ones who made the claims following study of images snapped by the Curiosity rover of NASA on Mars and the orbiting craft, HiRISE. Their study, Fungi on Mars? Evidence of Growth and Behavior From Sequential Images, published in published in the Advances in Microbiology journal and is presently accessible via a reprint, which has been met with skepticism from the scientific community, contends that what NASA identified as rocks are in fact, fungus-like samples that grow in the Martian landscape.The three experts also claimed that the said mushrooms appeared to shrink, appear and disappear over a number of days, weeks, and even months. In one instance, the team said there is evidence of fungi similar to Puffballs on this planet "re-sprouting" in tracks that the NASA Curiosity rover left behind.
*The NYT article advising a DOD employee saying the US has “Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth” And yes Harry Reid was all over getting the budget approved in the black budget of the Pentagon.
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(Citation) [ ]
*The Recent New Yorker article just data dumping a concatenation of events throughout history
*Additional comments from the DOD/Navy confirming additional UAP sightings as valid.
*Scientific America commenting on the signal we received supposedly from a nearby star system (ironically the closest one to us) this needs to be peer reviewed a lot more, but for a prestigious scientific publication to be talking about an alien species and advising us that they are most likely "boring?"
*Harvard's Professor advising Aliens already gave us a drive by. And he is essentially saying the scientific community played ostrich if you read his book.
*Most recent Director of National Intelligence (Literally controlled intelligence agencies like the CIA) saying...they are real and they are happening all over the planet? Oh and his last two predecessors say the same thing...
*Negative news is that Marco Rubio advised the UFO report may be delayed, but if that is to add additional content that may not be all that terrible
*Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it
*Ex-CIA director believes UFOs could exist after pal’s plane ‘paused'

So after spending years researching the topic since the insane 2017 NYT bombshell drop ( the top three additional comments are:

My recommendation is just play the hype in this new day & age of meme 'stonks'. Even if ALL of this does not materialize and it is all fake - the rumor itself about Lockheed having alien tech is real, and the company is well run. I am long LMT from buying the dip and will continue to accumulate if we experience any further dips.

We can clearly see here that technically the trend has changed. The ema ribbon has "fipped" and to overly simplify this.. the lines are point up.

Additional Reading Material on F-35A:

Recommend for those with further interest in researching the metamaterials that they are testing now as well. The leading researcher advised it was assembled at the "subatomic level" and "assembled in space".

If you enjoyed this content friends, and if you have ever seen a UFO/UAP/USO (yes USO, submergibles/transmedian!!) please be sure to share it with others! And please hit this with a like! Lockheed Martin is my favorite play when it comes to trading off the revelation that aliens are real.

For swing traders, easy target at $420




New York Times now mentioning the LMT UAP story via Harry Reid:
Doge? What about aliens? 😁 We don't see many ideas based on aliens, but for that reason alone it's been added to Editors' Picks!
@TradingView, thanks! You made my day!
complaints about the F-35 are dated and old. Their problems are mostly fixed. They work fine. We have orders of them for 70 years.

Frankly, do not ever trust NBC, CNN, FOX, whoever, or any MSM about things regarding the military budget. I am not trying to insist you go to some other worse source. What I would prefer you cited is the actual budget and explanations within the fiscal year proposals. I read them, and wrote a rhetorical analysis regarding misconceptions of the waste of the military budget (the costs you are listing are just... not correct, and no one ever gets them right, because no one REALLY READS THE BUDGET)

Regarding the UFOs. The Aguadilla UFO incident was a duck. It was just a duck. When a fighter jet is flying at a higher altitude and tracking a lower speed target far below it, it creates the appearance of speed when there is none really. There is nothing special about it.

What matters more is that we do not use UFO to refer to aliens. We use UFO as the LITERAL term (and I saw we here because I was an airborne analyst and actually operated with equipment that was meant to identify such things :V) to say UNIDENTIFIED, FLYING, OBJECT. If it was identified, then it would not be a UFO. It would be a duck, or a jet, or an alien. You do not call something a UFO if you suspect it is an alien; you call something a UFO when you don't know what it is.

Please do not read so much into these things with absolutely zero understanding of the ecosystem regarding these videos, why they are released at all, and perhaps consider why the government would just.. release such compromising footage?
perhaps because it's a duck.

I apologize for being irate but damn as a former cryptologic analyst, NSA op, 500+ sortie hours, two medals, this really grinds my gears at the sheer ignorance of the subject yet such confidence in citing awful sources.
@ZenMode, initiatives*

Can you please share the sources that you are referring towards. I prefer msm as we could cite the NYT or WSJ or the DODs own website as there is a lot of woo woo on this topic. Kind regards
Why not just use The National Enquirer? They "get it right" just about the same percentage of the time....and it's coming from the same spoon.
Fascinating stuff. Especially that Aguadilla UFO Incident.