Nov 1, 2021 6:02 AM

Anatomy of a $HITCOIN Launch and trying not to get BURNED! 

Loopring / US DollarBinance


For those late night cryptosphere observers, we can sometimes see rockets at night. This one might fly 5 sec, 5 min or 5 hours. Charts will the state of the bulls and bears to either get rid of this shitcoin before it explodes. hitcoins are long-shorts. Yes, you might his the jackport but otherwise, you can expect they before the greatest thing, then die off. Sometimes, the "rug pull" happens faster than others. You might end up with an or a after the spectacular .com crash. 20 years later, here we are again it seems.

Well cryto in the form of well managed Bitcoin and Ethereum is safe heaven. In this tutorial, I will attempt to show from the launch detection to the hopeful exit.

Trade closed: target reached

As with any HITCOIN, knowing when to exit the roller coaster is *critical*. Unlike traditional equities that are protected by Regulators in your jurisdiction, crypto is the wild west with only the top layer being regulated. The "layers" between the blue chip coins (ETH and BTC) and the rest is huge. The next layer, includes all the zombie has beens (LTC and XRP once leaders in their safe), DOGe, little SHIBter, plump ADA and the rest of the band-aid coins that were create to fill the temporary voids of the major coins (BTC and ETH).
FOr this hitcoin, it could just rest here and keep going, but this could be the high. Since we don't know, we close position, head back into cash (Ethereum in the cryptoverse until CDBCs are government backed and all counterfeit "stablecoin" jobs get authorized by the respective governments) The *USD* coins? Well anyone who thinks they can compete the US better be sure they can. This is where the US needs to OWN ALL *USD* type coins and prevent any further scammers from minting virtual USD dollars. Anyway, this HITCOIN hit 20% today, most people wait 10+ years to make that in now negative legacy markets (the green of the SPX is fake, all fakes get found out at some point).

Trade active

Jumped backed on the trade, second leg came faster than expected.

Trade closed: target reached

Cashing out to ETH and BTC. May jump back in after it's cooled down like puppy DOGe...
Wow, your technical analysis completely fails to mention the implications this coin has on layer 2, no gas fee NFTs, and a likely partnership with GameStop on a new NFT. I also sold all of my Shiba Inu after reading your post and correlating your analysis to the obvious bias. Retail investors can see through this hedge fund battle and this attempt at disinformation.
@jeseabrooke, Thanks for the note! Technical Analysis on the financial side is 100% charts. What you are talking about is "fundamentals" and within that is technology analysis. It's confusing. I was clear, I have done zero research of LRC at the technology level. If it's a L2, it's already obsolete with Bitcoin's Lightning Network (L2 for that L1 network) and ETH2 (L2) for its own L1 network. I'm "average joe" and the hedge fund I manage is non-profit for good. We're 180 degree on the opposite of crookstreet. LRC is 100% trade to me, it would never be something I HODL but if you are deeply familiar with it from an investor perspective, just view my input as to what is happening to price actions. Traders are flocking to LRC solely because of charts patterns. Good traders trade anything, we perfect the art of non "bagholding" so we'll cut out loses and move the assets to a better SHITCOIN category trade or HODL into names we trust. Bitcoin is #1 there and Ethereum is #2 (worldwide). If LRC or whatever is your #1 and you have done your research, good for you. This might be a diamond in the sea of shit that we call the "alt coins" which are *by default* toxic until proven clean. Just from experience... LOL PAW Peace...
GME is adopting Loopring for it’s gaming NFTs. I will Hodl this along with every other retail investor. I’d paperhand Bitcoin before Loopring. This is our market now lol
@jeseabrooke, GME is Crookstreet's market, not yours. GME is not my market because I have left equities, they will all likely blow up except the very strong. If GME is able to rebuild itself great for you.If you find your method of investing works for you, that's great. I am anti-wall street. We are on the same side, You guys are Apes, we are DOGs... The men with the black suit and black hats are the crooks - you will understand within about 6 months if my calculations are right, LRC appears to be a "pump and dump" to me. But that's just charts. The only coin I trust is Bitcoin because it has existed and been in battle for 13 years. And Ethereum because it is the new financial backbone for the world. The rest, I don't understand how people trust so much without verifying themselves. Most people seem to be happy to have someone to follow even if that person or group is wrong. I think it's because it feel comfortable to be in a gang. Especially during stressful times when you want to make sure you're not alone. Whatever you do, best of luck and thank you about the information, that would explain the reason why so many short term traders jumped on Loopring (while it was going up and selling once the indicators told them to sell).
@JustCharts, I think you took that the wrong way. I meant ‘Loopring’ will be ‘the crypto/NFT market’ GameStop retail investors like me will actually use and participate in, not claiming the entire crypto space as ours. I typed that on the fly, I can see how that could be taken the wrong way. I just see this as the first development of the metaverse Facebook dreams they will dominate, and a huge barrier removed in the form of gas fees. For instance, I spend money in Call of Duty for CP coins that aren’t crypto. Almost every game on earth has in app purchases now. A crypto/NFT solutions that centralizes that would be game changing (accidental pun lol). I could buy an NFT copy of Call of Duty, and when I am done, it isn’t trapped in my console, I can resell it. These are just a couple of things that I think separate Loopring from other currencies.
I fear Bitcoin because I have seen first hand how it was pumped and dumped in May (alongside the “run from amc like your life depends on it” articles. I feel the a lot of publications i don’t trust anymore are running “Bitcoin is going to hit 150,000” “Bitcoin is stronger than the dollar” type articles while sneaking in a few “will TetherUSDT turn out to be a scam and collapse crypto” and “This dude that made a lot of money from 2008 thinks Bitcoin is going to fail” articles. Loopring on the other hand, if used like by GameStop, could finally instigate the short squeeze and get me my money back that was stolen.
Also, now that Bitcoin has ETFs rolling out, based off what I have seen it has to be for some shady thing like whales being able to just trade the derivatives without even buying bitcoin. Just sounds like some Cayman Islands effery to get me to hold some ginormous bag of environmentally unfriendly digital code.
@jeseabrooke, for what it's worth, I'm reviewing my trades and you might be on something. I get a small position which is something I try to avoid because I know from personal experience, collecting a lot of worthless stuff is not as valuable as trading the best of the best. When you trade, you are effectively selling or buying. I find it easier to sell value and prefer to purchase value. For Loopring, I'm willing to be holding the bag for a bit. It's money I can afford to lose but it always hurts and I avoid that like the plague. That you for providing the HODL investor information. Technical traders will continue to ignore all fundamental and focus solely on Just Charts.
LOL you sold just to buy in again and sell again. just hodl my guy trading aint ur thing. terrible TA tbh.
This didnt age very well. Trust what YOU know next time @jeseabrooke instead of a stranger on the internet who doesn't do their DD
@rsoroth, it was right on the first time my friend at the top of the first peak. I existed at the top major position and once the resistance is broken might jump in. I'm busy trading, updating ideas is community service but with idiots like you with coutless "self stroking" accounts polluting the chats and Ideas, I'm about to cancel my subscription if we don't get proper support from TradingView. Prefer that maggot? Crazy high fees to deal with countless fake accounts We should have a paid member only account with ability to vote out people. Like "yous"!
@JustCharts, I'm sorry that people on the internet are able to offend you. I'm sorry I can't speak my mind w/o someone getting emotional. Are your feelings hurt? I'm so sorry. It won't happen again.