May 16, 2017 7:38 AM

Lisk Long

Lisk / BitcoinPoloniex


Lisk didn't have that strong pump so maybe it still in the future.
LSK is to ETH
As STR is to XRP
Expect an 8x to 12x spike by November 2017 contingent on LSK full sdk release.
Put everything you are willing to bet on LSK and set your auto sells to 0.00232. LSK is the real deal.

To any novice traders looking for a good long term trade, this is your unicorn investment.

Lisk team said earliest testnet versions of their dapp sdk will come out sometime Q3 to mid Q3 (July++) and their final release version comes out end of the year.

In my personal opinion I think lisk graph will look like this:

Late June: Lisk foundation releases news their testnet sdk is coming. Pre pump loading up begins here.

Mid August: Test net sdk officially released for developers to start working out kinks. Much bigger pump for a day or two followed by massive dump settling a bit above previous high.

Late November: Full sdk release. Absolute pandemonium. My guess here is that Lisk will spike somewhere from 8x to 12x from today's levels (keep in mind ETH spiked 25x over 2 years) Lisk is directly compared to ETH. Check Lisk's wikipedia.

Lisk currently has over 20million in a development fund that continues to appreciate in value because they hold over 4million Lisk as well as several million euros and swiss francs stable fiat currency. Afiak only dash and waves have more dev money than Lisk.

Anyone looking to berate a random stranger on the internet feel free to send me a message or publicly humiliate me with crypto facts is always welcome!
@Rainbowfarts69, Wow Thanks a lot for your comment. I didn't know majority of that. defenetly will save my Lisk till end of the year.