May 16, 2018 4:19 PM

LTC 523 usd this year Long

Litecoin / DollarBitfinex


LTC 523 usd this year is my prediction calculated using the history of LTC and BTC
If I am not mistaken you have been pretty consistent with this and I can see this
@phil155, i would not trade with other people's ideas. Unfortunately i did look at other people's charts twice and did not follow my own intuition and failed. So i made two decisions based on other people's ideas. Lost all my gains twice :), so don't trade this idea. I'm 90% sure we will reach this 500+ this year and maybe even more, but this number is on line with BTC history (less on LTC history)
@Trader18379, Thanks for replying so quickly I appreciate it. I trade based upon my own ideas and they happen to be in line with what you were mentioning to a degree and I see LTC getting to this level or higher in the longer term as I do not see crypto going away anytime soon and I believe LTC is going to be a long term winner in the sector
@phil155, i think LTC will go 4k before 2022 ...but can we HODL?! :)