Sep 26, 2018 4:40 PM

MCO Daily Log Chart Long


Posted for observation.
It looks like make or break. If they fail cards ( ounce again) it will dump to 535 sats. Problem with this token is lack of transparency and honesty from the team. But it would be a solid rock if they stop failing. I’m not sure if they actually got all they need on the trigger otherwise we would have cards roll out much earlier ( krizmas, money 2020, summer...) but cards in Singapore, Europe and USA definitely will give us moon.
I’m a vivid follower of your charts! Keep it going! Peace
@lofimaster, Thanks for your comment and support. You make very good points here. It would be better (IMO) if the team refrains from locking themselves into promises that they cannot keep. From their perspective, they can't predict or anticipate all of the roadblocks that they will run into. I would prefer that they work silently behind the scenes and then release news as it happens. This will help to prevent market manipulation. And, those who habitually short this market will get left behind when the cards actually ship to each respective region. I personally think that the cards will ship to Singapore in the first week of October. I could be wrong about that though. Also, I think it will take a long time before the cards ship to the US and Europe. It would be nice to know the full story. Meaning, what are the specific roadblocks which are preventing the shipping of cards to US and European residents. As you stated, the team needs to be transparent and honest and less vague. Else, it would be better to be completely silent and catch speculators by surprise.