Feb 27, 2018 9:53 PM

NCASH breakout  Short


Possible scenario for the next day
did you look on the order book and the volume? It's not any usual post-ico coin that gets on the exchange. There is something to it.
Even I believe it's a shitcoin but I think it's going to 0.00006 this week.
@MohanadKattan, There are shittier coins than this bro, and still doing good :) We shall see
@vmoisuc, huge dumps will likely likely to follow dude, till it gets to 1 cent which is the cost of institutional investors
@sonerster, I've seen you on at least 2-3 ideas for NCASH spreading FUD, kinda ironic... seems like you want the price low so you can buy, but tell others its a "scam". What are you doing looking at ideas for NCASH anyway?
@KesslerSeitter, No this is just the second post i wrote but not the FUD, lol. I will continue warning investors to unfollow such diagrams for a baby scam coin (well, on what basis you present technical analysis for a one day coin?). There is nothing to analyse yet. My opinion at this level is based on price movements for similar coins recently scammed people such as RPX.
Actually I bought this coin because it is a spam. I think it will be the next generation of spamming. All spams and advertisements companies will love this coin and use this technology. It's gonna be huge some day. :)
@MohanadKattan, So good luck bro. I personally and principally do not invest projects that scam people by 4X gains due to cheap presale actions. Hope you will help satisfy the family members and friends of NCASH issuers.
@sonerster, How did they scam people by 4X gains ?
@MohanadKattan, Do your own research bud, it's only a google away (not sure if it's alowed to share a pubIic link in t.view). but similar ethical issues are common for all speculative markets: asymmetric information and lack of transparency.