Jul 10, 2020 3:13 PM

$NIO Pulling back???? Short



Ohhhhh Boyy, not today!!!!
NO NO NO!! I ain't buying NOTHING and you can see why in my video.

Hope it helped you out.


#TradeSafe like my mentor would say


I don't mean short to the ground but theres a pull back somewhere and could be next week as well. If not, HOLY SMOKES!!!!!! I mean for how long????
I have my position 14.97 do you think should I sell and wait for the correction? will drop soon?
@vincentteh36, Personally, Me I wouldn't. It can for surely go up but I see a pull back... PLUS, CHINA BANKS is having big big issues lately.... If they get banned from the SWIFT system, ALOT of things will change.......
Nio long 😎
@kfaq2ap6ac, Sounds good.... For sure they will be up..
Thanks for the support on the video
Idk. I think that now people know of NIO, this will start trading along the lines of TSLA (roughly in the same direction). This recent sustain run with the current volumes being traded in the stock show this stock isn't going back to single digits. I could potentially see a minor pullback, but not one as significant as many here who missed out on getting in earlier are hoping for.
@gomez_2959, I really cosign on that too. I heard people saying a big correction to about 8 to 10$???
The volume is to ridiculous for it to drop I think to about 8 or 10...
I'd push max 12.00 really because I've seen it personally now happen but any lower wud freak me out as well... loool
Thanks for the love and view

Trade Safe Buddy!
Your videos and descriptions make lol. Keep it up
@Murphdawg1190, lloll I'm chill back... I ain't like the rest, I'm just honest and letting viewers know whats up about me a bit...
Thanks for the support..