Dec 7, 2022 10:02 AM

why is nokia in a hard time Short



Let’s start with the first part of SWOT analysis of Nokia which is strengths:

The biggest strength of the company is their brand name. Many consumers often opt for Nokia more than any other brand because of the reliability, durability, and creativity their phones provide.
Most of Nokia’s highly qualified personnel have teamed up with Microsoft’s experts as a part of the acquisition deal.
The phones provided by Nokia have a much higher re-sale value compared to other mobile phone brands.
Many of Nokia’s products are easy to use and are usually coupled with a variety of handy accessories.
Products offered by the company are available in all price ranges.
The next part of SWOT analysis of Nokia is their weaknesses:

The company, though, is often criticized for poor after sales services.
Took a long time to enter the highly productive and booming smartphone market. As a result the company lost a lot of its once huge market share.
Some of Nokia’s products are not affordable for middle and lower class consumers, which often affects their searches negatively.
The Finnish mobile company has made comparatively lower profits due to drop in sales that result from tough competition. According to statistics, the company’s profits have fallen by 7% in the second quarter of 2014.
There are slumps in the company’s development with its Windows Lumia range of smartphones because of constant competition from rivals Android and iOS.
After discussing the internal factors of SWOT analysis of Nokia, let’s shift our focus towards external factors:

The Microsoft-Nokia deal is a win-win situation for both companies. The deal possesses great opportunity if both utilize resources in a proper way.
Opportunities to expand the range of products and their prices. Also bring in new features and applications on to Windows OS.
The final part of SWOT analysis for Nokia is the threats:

Strong competition from other smartphone companies will make it hard for Nokia to maintain and expand their market share.
Low-cost threats by China mobile companies and others can cause big problems.
So, after proper analysis, we have come to the conclusion that Nokia is going through a tough time in the market due to a variety of factors. However, with Microsoft and Nokia personnel teamed up, there is no doubt in saying that many of these problems can be overcome if Nokia strategizes, plans and uses its resources properly.
Did you just seriously posted a SWOT analysis of Nokia focusing on mobile devices sales??? Do you happen to know that it's already 2022 today and Nokia hasn't produced any single mobile phone for like 8 years?
@gabiro, You think nokia isn't selling phone XD
@stanbolle12, Of Nokia's annual 25 billion revenue more than 20 billion comes from sales of network infrastructure equipment. It is a major player in 5G expansion in Europe. Nokia already sold its struggling mobile phone unit to Microsoft in 2014. You are just posting your opinions, which are also very outdated, and calming it as SWOT.
@nirab, it is a swot, btw swot stands for strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats
and if you look good this is a swot
@stanbolle12, damn just read at least any kind of report from nokia, they are in 4g, 5g for years.
@stanbolle12, OK, I don't know why I spend time on this, as it seems you completely ignore all reasoning. But still this comes up as the first analysis so maybe let's try to get it right to avoid fooling anyone else:
1) Nokia does not manufacture any mobile phones since 2014, when they sold that business to Microsoft. The current Nokia branded phones are produced by a company called HMD and they licence the brand from Nokia.
2) Any analysis that is comparing Nokia (a network equipment vendor) market share with companies in consumer electronics segment (smartphone companies as you call them) is just ridicolous. They are operating in a completely different market, it's like saying Volkswagen group's market share is threatened by Nikon as they are selling much more cameras.
3) Windows phone is dead, unsupported since 2019. The last windows phone was released in 2016. So no - there is no such opportunity that MS and Nokia will team up and bring new features to "Windows OS". And time has already proved that Microsoft-Nokia deal was rather lose-lose than win-win.
4) Even you state that Nokia profit has fallen by 7% in _2014_. What do you think what's the relevance of a 9 year's old figure for today's market situation?
All in all: This is a complete garbage, based on some incomplete and partially false interpretations and assumptions from 9-10 years ago, and has zero relevance for today. Even 9 years ago this would have been a very poor quality analysis: The Nokia mobile phone business was really struggling, but the majority of the revenue was coming from the infrastructure business already that time.