How To: Find Oil and Gas Stocks on the Move

This video is more about how to use the TradingView Screener to find stocks in industries you might be interested in investing in, and this example is just looking at Gas and Oil where a lot of the action is at the moment with possible shortages not only in Europe, but potentially all around the world if things continue the way they are.
Feel free to give the video a thumbs up if you like it or learnt anything new. More of my TradingView videos can be found easily here:
Just read that Oil traders think the prices might go past $200 / barrel this month.
Note: Big pull back on oil stocks since this was posted with the U.S. looking to encourage more oil production from other sources such as Iraq and the UAE who both believe they can increase their capacity. The turmoil and threat to supply isn't over yet in Europe so its one of those watch this space... Main point of the video though was how you can filter different sectors that might be running hot and look for opportunities to short list and investigate further.
