May 12, 2021 1:42 PM

OMG (literally) Long

OmiseGO / US DollarPoloniex


OMG, could we see an almost 8X as OMG rise as much as 80 USD?

check my related ideas about altcoin season, where I DID predict ETH to 4400 USD.

have fun, and don't risk what u cant lose

USE STOP LOSS, I put mine at 6.5 USD for now, will raise it when condition will change
I keep intuitively seeing $63 - 106 USD within the next 6-12 month; again and again.

one would assume that if anyone is actually seeking a(any) solutions to higher ETH insane gas fee's - crypto's such as OMG and MATIC will dramatically lead to an increase in market cap.
@pleasantPepper3969, I'm not sure if I got what ur trying to say, but in case you are talking about energy consumption/transaction, as far as I know, XRP is the most environmentally friendly.
also, due to today's Elon musk tweet related to not accepting BTC as payment for tesla's cars... in the last 2 lines he talks about cryptos with <1% of BTC consumption well,XRP is one of them
Its also not listed on most major exchanges and hated by many in the crypto community. The propaganda spread by the devout is worse than any other coin I have ever seen. Yes, fundamentally it has great potential. I'm just not sure that will ever be fully realized to the extent people are expecting. 100$ XRP? 500 XRP? That's completely ridiculous. Do you realize what the market cap would be? That's beats out all the competition and replaces swift. Probably not going to happen............ Tell me how I am wrong?
with all the study I did on it, besides the fundamentals of low energy consumption, I can estimate a price of 7 to 9 USD this year, at its maximum pick.
ofc not 100 or 500 lol.
about the listed thing: it has been done from US crypto's exchange in order to avoid problems with the SEC in case they ban it from the US.
remember anyways, that XRP is not listed in US exchanges, but it is in world's